We held this month’s meeting at Rose’s house in McLean (thanks Rose!). Aside from solar electricity and heating, Rose provided us with fresh baked bread, and a meeting room normally used for bluegrass and such. Anyway, on to the vehicles- even the pizza guy was using an Insight.
Charlie called the meeting to order at 7:25, with a roll of club officers, then honored guests. Boris and Stanley, employees of ASUS, were visiting for an EV study and dissertation. The two will make recommendations to the Taiwanese government. Others in the meeting introduced themselves, including some new faces due to the Virginia location this time.
Our featured guest was Brandon, from the University of Delaware. Brandon arrived in a UDel AC Propulsion EV, a converted 5-door based on a Scion. Brandon’s project will suggest policies for DNREC (Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental Control). This is in part based on a survey he gve us. One aspect of the survey was extender batteries- the concept of add-on modules for longer trips.
Brandon then spoke at length on V2G- “Vehicle to Grid” power and billing. Yes, getting paid for having an electric vehicle. At the moment, the University of Delaware is running longer-term programs on frequency regulation of the grid using parked EVs. Minor amounts of charge capacity are either supplied or drawn as needed, to keep the AC frequency at 60 Hertz. In exchange, the grid pays the EV owners for the priviledge. The UDel fleet includes cars parked on campus, as well as participants at home. More owners and EVs are wanted, though you must be a Delmarva Power customer for this particular program. Continue reading