Utilities in Maryland have been granted approval by the Maryland Public Utility Commission for ownership of 909 EVSE’s, to be installed at multi-family locations (i.e. apartments, condos) and workplaces. This is an order resulting from the “PC44” electric vehicle portion of Maryland’s Grid of the Future initiative.
See https://evadc.org/2018/03/11/petition-for-implementation-of-a-statewide-electric-vehicle-portfolio/
More details: https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/environment/bs-md-electric-vehicle-charging-stations-20190114-story.html
The approved number of chargers (primarily L2 with an amount of DC, unspecified except for Potomac Edison) is:
- BGE: 500
- Delmarva: 100
- Pepco: 250
- Potomac Edison: 50 L2, 9 DC
- Total 909
Further, “The Utilities are directed to locate public EV charging equipment only at property leased, owned, or occupied by a unit of State, county, or municipal government for public use and, to that end, the Utilities shall work with State, municipal and local government entities to determine the siting locations for these public EV chargers”
Thus, in order to meet the pressing need, clearly recognized by the PC44 EV Workgroup and the Commission, for multifamily and workplace charging, Utilities will hopefully explore State, county or municipally owned or leased multi-family and workplace sites.
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