Montgomery College Rockville Science Day 2018

For at least 5 years, EVADC has participated in Rockville Science Day.  This is a great event hosted at Montgomery College that allows the general public to learn about Electric Vehicles.

Directions and other information for electric vehicle owners was posted at the Rockville Science Day Event page.  If you create a web page, it’s very useful to annotate a map for new participants to show them where to park, and have it available as a link, or to put the address in something like Google maps, and share the link.

The EV’s we show to the public are part of the larger Rockville Science Day, thus there tend to be large crowds.  It also helps to try to position yourself near the entrance in the “main lane” of foot traffic, rather than in a far away corner of the parking lot.

When you’re in love, you want to tell the world, so drivers are prepared to answer the common basic questions: How far can you drive?  How long does it take to charge?  What do you do when you run out?  What does it do to your electric bill?

We passed out many printed copies of our famous Electric Vehicle Information Sheet as well as other flyers.  PDF’s of these are available on the EVADC resources page.

Here are some photos from the event:

EVADC members educating the public about EVs

EVADC brought 8 EVs to show the variety of available EVs

The Tesla Roadster is the first EV sold by Tesla