October 2013 Minutes

Oct. 16th meeting started at 7:45

After usual introductions and meeting of new attendees.
Reports from National Plug-in Day. Jeffrey Jacobs reported Herndon, VA NPID event had 48-45 vehicles ranging from 15+ Model S and Roadsters, Audi Etron, Fisker, and the GM Volts which had the most in attendance.

Annapolis, MD, had 10-11 EVs, possible bigger event next year or also several throughout the year. 30 possible shore power plugs available. Need to arrive earlier next year to avoid headache with Corvette club.

College Park Mom’s had a big turn out with 30 or so EVs and gave an award to the MOM’s organic market for hosting NPID. Several e-bikes were also on display and several Model S’s had the attention.

Sunday Capital NPID was estimated to affect about 750 people, with 22 EVs. Possible new location for next year to avoid the permitting headache that comes with the 3rd street location.

Bad Wolf Brewery had a good EV turn out as well as good beers!

Radio ad got plenty of complements as money well spent!

Main Speaker of the evening, Mike ____ with the Non-Profit Ground Swell for green power that pools people together for larger buying power from utilities. Estimated that 200 People could save 10% on their electricity rates. For more information visit http://www.groundswell.org/

EV Grand Prix – We sent 3 cars from DC to compete in California against 4 California high schools. All 3 of DC schools places, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd beating all of the California schools!!!! 2014 EV Grand Prix is just around the corner and runners of EV Grand Prix would like EVADC to be involved again and this time they are looking to go bigger by trying to raise $100k – $200k for this up coming years competition. Does EVADC what to handle that kind of money and how?

http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/home Not sure what this related too but it was made note of, so check it out.

Elections to be held at the November meeting and online.
Nominations Committee – Chip, Dave, Scott

Current Nominees as of Oct meeting night,
Scott Wilson for Treasure
Eric Cardwell for Vice President until possible spring move
Charlie Garlow for President

Holiday Party ????

DC Auto Show – Dave, Dennis, Eric

Meeting wrapped up 9:30ish

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